Life is a beautiful, complex layering of laws and interdependent movements of matter and energy. Kabbalah is the science of understanding the interconnectedness of all things. Kabbalah is a Hebrew word that describes what is studied in every religion. The Hebrew word Kabbalah refers to the study of the fundamental laws that support all existence and non-existence.
Kabbalah is a universal knowledge that has appeared in many forms around the world. Although we use the Hebrew word Kabbalah to describe it, this knowledge is not the property of any group.
"As is well known, the Kabala never originated with the Jews, who got their ideas from the Chaldeans and the Egyptians." -HP Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine (1888)
Kabbalah is also known by other names, such Kalachakra in Tibetan Buddhism. Modern science calls it “physics,” but they have not yet discovered the full range of this knowledge. For that, they need to use other instruments that reach far beyond the range of the physical senses.