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Eucharist, Communion, Unction

Eucharist, Communion, Unction
Eucharist, Communion, Unction
Spiritual Practices
June 29th - 2024


Devotees of every religion consume ritually blessed food and drink on a regular basis. Samael Aun Weor said in his book The Seven Words that we should celebrate the Eucharist every day. For many people, this is not easy to do, so they celebrate at least once a week, and the best day for that is Saturday (Saturn-day, the Sabbath).

The Holy Eucharist should be practiced in the houses of all our Gnostic brothers and sisters... Each family can practice their Gnostic Eucharist daily, without the need to go to places of religious exploitation, such as all those Rosicrucian, Spiritist, Catholic, Theosophist classrooms, etc. The Holy Eucharist should take place around a table at home.

“And when the hour was come, he sat down, and the twelve apostles with him.” - Luke 22: 14

Thus, each home can become a Gnostic temple, and the head of each family in a priest. No more lodges, no more schools, no more sects, no more infamies, no more exploitation! The temple is within ourselves, and the High Priest is Christ. Aquarius is coming, the age of Light. Down with chains! Christ doesn’t want slaves.

When a group of people around a table are verifying the Holy Eucharist, the ceremony reverberates in all the seven planes of cosmic consciousness, and opens a channel through the seven worlds through which the sublime energies of the Solar Logos descend: and thus the bread and wine become true accumulators of Christic atoms, which upon reaching our stomach are diffused throughout our organism, Christifying and sublimating it for the initiation. —Samael Aun Weor, Secret Notes of a Guru

Important Note: This practice is only for those who are maintaining chastity (sexual purity). It is not for those who fornicate.

No unworthy person [fornicator] should be admitted to this Gnostic Mass [Eucharist], because then one commits profanation. —Samael Aun Weor, Secret Notes of a Guru

Instructions for Practicing the Eucharist

We have a blog post and video that explain the basics:

Samael Aun Weor taught how to use the Eucharist in:

To learn more, study The Sacraments of the Gnostic Church, especially Sacrament of Communion.



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