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  Tuesday, 10 September 2024
  1 Replies
  125 Visits
Greetings inctructors,

I'd like to ask about telekinesis. It's not a subject directly related to the teachings or to spiritual development so I'd understand if this remained unanswered. And since I realize I have many questions on the subject, I'd be grateful even for a generalized answer.

In modern culture, telekinesis or psychokinesis is most typically learned and demonstrated through bending cutlery and best learned and achieved in big groups with women and children - who also do it much easier then men. I presume it's most likely due to womens heightened intuition and mens higher over-analyzing, plus children are much more susceptible to believing it is possible, hence they achieve it easier.

Is this whole phenomena "just" a form of instantenous manifestation of physical matter changes through emotional and mental forms?

Maybe there is a nonverbal communication with the consciousness of the atoms of the material object - and their recomposition is achieved through this?

Or is this a "siddhi" more related to the infinite power and intelligence of the Being? Hard to think the Being is interested in something as unimportant as bending a spoon - though such demonstrations can extinguish skepticism and light a fire for spiritual development in some people.

There is also a intriguing aspect to the phenomena where when one of the pieces of cultery bends in the group, it's often supposedly preceded by "a change of atmosphere" in the room with many more pieces of cutlery bending easily after it happens. I'd be curious to find out about what such a change of atmosphere is.

It would also be interesting to hear an explanation why a group achieves this more easily then a single individual.

Thank you very much.
2 days ago
Study This:

The word mind is derived from the Sanskrit word, manas. Manas has different interpretations but in general relates to mind. The mind that we have dominates us: the animal mind. The animal mind is ruling over our activities, we are victims of animal impulses, lust, pride, envy, jealousy, etc. To become a real human being is to put the “Hu” (which is a word that in Sanskrit means, “spirit”) in charge of manas: to be hu-man. It is to have the spirit, to have God, to have the consciousness be in charge of our mind, doing and performing the acts that God puts us to do. That is only accomplished when we have created a human mind, a solar mind. In that way the consciousness can then perceive the objective truths. The science to accomplish that is the science of the Tree of Knowledge.

The solar mind is born through the science of the Tree of Knowledge; it is activated through awakened consciousness. These are different things. To give birth to the solar mind is one thing, to awaken the consciousness is another thing. But, then if we have given birth to that solar mind and we have awakened consciousness, we also have to develop that solar mind. The solar mind is developed with meditation.

Our goal is the full and total development of the Hu man- the self realization of the being. We emphasize the development and use of our consciousness. We are implored to annihilate the animal or sensual minds .
If you seek power it is good. But do not seek power for exaltation of the self when your mind is still dominated by the animal instincts.
Mind bending and bending cutlery through concentration of the mind are the same thing, seeks only to dominate others when done individually. And that is black magic,
However when mind projection is done in groups of people following certain rituals for the purposes of healing the sick , this can be viewed as positive use of the mind. You will find this amongst the Aztecs natives of South America.

Study the book Igneous Rose
Read : secret teachings of the nahuas
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