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  Wednesday, 10 July 2024
  1 Replies
  415 Visits
Hi there. I am new here and just finding my way around. As of early this year, I am a dedicated student of anthroposophy.

I am particularly interested in the cycles of time among other things. I have been searching for clarification of the larger cycles of time and finally found your post on the Seven Cosmic Rounds. I am having trouble matching the verbal descriptions of related info online with an overall visual of the grand scheme and so am still trying to wrap my mind around various aspects of the cycles of time, and the groups of humanity that are born into them.

Within the cosmic rounds post, I am particularly confused regarding the terms within the following sentence;
"We are the fifth human race of this current round. Previous to our current humanity, there were four humanities about which we are completely ignorant, aside from the humanities that existed in the other cosmic rounds."

Here, where it says "current round", can you clarify which LEVEL of "round"?
Are we speaking of the small cultural rounds such as Indian, Persian, Egyptian, or are we speaking of Polar, Hyperborean, Lemurian, Atlantean, Aryan etc? Or Saturnian, Solar, Lunar etc?

Can you also specifically clarify what is meant here by "current humanity", within time?

It also refers to the "fifth human race". If are we of the race that began at the Polarian time, why are we being called the fifth race (from my understanding it is not a new group of souls "born" into each new race period), and is it also accurate to say this is the fifth globe of the current human race and that we (all that are here now) have all, in the past, been of the Polar, Hyperborean, Lemurian, Atlantean, and now, finally the Aryan race?

Have we not all begun together as souls in the Polarian Grand Epoch at the beginning of the Physical Plane?

When we say our manvantara will end, are we referring to the completion of 6 and 7 in our cultural epochs, or 6 and 7 in the 4th/ D globe, before the Mitosis of Earth and our entry into the 5th Globe/ E?

I hope my questions are clear and sensible. I am hoping for a very detailed, lengthy precise clarification and am grateful for the opportunity to pose my questions.

Thank you

2 months ago
Accepted Answer
Samael Aun Weor: Well, it is clear, that in the beginning any planet has a first round, when it becomes a simple mental form, right? When it's a mental planet. This mental planet arises in a very extraordinary way: the army of the voice, the army of the word, makes the chaotic waters fertile. In the beginning fertilizes by means of certain rites and sacred words, so that life may arise, right?

From an alchemist point of view, it is very interesting to know how life comes into being, right?: there is the need to "separate the waters from the waters", because the basic or spermatic waters, the alkaest of alchemists, is coexistent with Sat, but in those primival, primogenic and chaotic waters, underlie, let us say, also, the Mercury of the secret philosophy, the metallic soul, let us say, of the chaotic waters...

Well, separating such "waters" by means of transmutation (the same thing that one does within the organism), "separating the superior waters from the inferior waters," this is a task that is performed by means of fruitful and creator work of the holy gods.

Thereafter when the superior waters have already been separated from the inferior waters, then, in turn, these superior waters make the inferior waters fertile, this, we might say, makes an even more higher third type of Mercury to appear, whose crystallization comes to be the world of the mind. Then the planet appears in its mental form: First round.

Second round, when that planet becomes astral matter; third when it becomes ethereal matter; fourth when it becomes physical matter; fifth when it becomes ethereal again; sixth when it becomes astral again; seventh when it becomes mental again. Well, here comes the dissolution of such a planet, and the great pralaya.

What we say for a planet applies to a whole system of worlds: To the solar system, and thus we speak of the great days and the great nights of Brahma. There are seven rounds in total.

Thus, we are now in the fourth round; after this (terrestrial) round is over, life will unfold in the ethereal world: round five; then life will be processed in the astral world: sixth round; and then in the mental world: round seven. Then the dissolution of this planet and of all the planets of the solar system, will come; and then the cosmic night will arrive, that is, the mahapralaya, the profound night...Samael Aun Weor: Well, it is clear, that in the beginning any planet has a first round, when it becomes a simple mental form, right? When it's a mental planet. This mental planet arises in a very extraordinary way: the army of the voice, the army of the word, makes the chaotic waters fertile. In the beginning fertilizes by means of certain rites and sacred words, so that life may arise, right?

From an alchemist point of view, it is very interesting to know how life comes into being, right?: there is the need to "separate the waters from the waters", because the basic or spermatic waters, the alkaest of alchemists, is coexistent with Sat, but in those primival, primogenic and chaotic waters, underlie, let us say, also, the Mercury of the secret philosophy, the metallic soul, let us say, of the chaotic waters...

Well, separating such "waters" by means of transmutation (the same thing that one does within the organism), "separating the superior waters from the inferior waters," this is a task that is performed by means of fruitful and creator work of the holy gods.

Thereafter when the superior waters have already been separated from the inferior waters, then, in turn, these superior waters make the inferior waters fertile, this, we might say, makes an even more higher third type of Mercury to appear, whose crystallization comes to be the world of the mind. Then the planet appears in its mental form: First round.

Second round, when that planet becomes astral matter; third when it becomes ethereal matter; fourth when it becomes physical matter; fifth when it becomes ethereal again; sixth when it becomes astral again; seventh when it becomes mental again. Well, here comes the dissolution of such a planet, and the great pralaya.

What we say for a planet applies to a whole system of worlds: To the solar system, and thus we speak of the great days and the great nights of Brahma. There are seven rounds in total.

Thus, we are now in the fourth round; after this (terrestrial) round is over, life will unfold in the ethereal world: round five; then life will be processed in the astral world: sixth round; and then in the mental world: round seven. Then the dissolution of this planet and of all the planets of the solar system, will come; and then the cosmic night will arrive, that is, the mahapralaya, the profound night...

After the submergence of Atlantis, the human race became even smaller. Today, no one is capable of perceiving the causes of the natural phenomena that occur around us; the human body degenerated, the senses, as I said, have atrophied.

There has not been, then, such "evolution in the human race." What there has in fact been is a gigantic process of devolution. That is the harsh reality of the facts!

We are currently in the fifth root race, the one that populates the face of the earth. We inevitably march towards another cataclysm, because just as the Atlanteans were swallowed up by the waters, so the people of this age, this earth inhabited by the Aryan root race, will be destroyed by fire.

The Perfection of the Human Being on the Tree of Life of Kabbalah
The Polar, Hyperborean, Lemurian, Atlantean, Aryan, and Future Races

Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book,
and to loose the seven seals thereof. - Revelation 5: 5

2 months ago
Accepted Answer
Samael Aun Weor: Well, it is clear, that in the beginning any planet has a first round, when it becomes a simple mental form, right? When it's a mental planet. This mental planet arises in a very extraordinary way: the army of the voice, the army of the word, makes the chaotic waters fertile. In the beginning fertilizes by means of certain rites and sacred words, so that life may arise, right?

From an alchemist point of view, it is very interesting to know how life comes into being, right?: there is the need to "separate the waters from the waters", because the basic or spermatic waters, the alkaest of alchemists, is coexistent with Sat, but in those primival, primogenic and chaotic waters, underlie, let us say, also, the Mercury of the secret philosophy, the metallic soul, let us say, of the chaotic waters...

Well, separating such "waters" by means of transmutation (the same thing that one does within the organism), "separating the superior waters from the inferior waters," this is a task that is performed by means of fruitful and creator work of the holy gods.

Thereafter when the superior waters have already been separated from the inferior waters, then, in turn, these superior waters make the inferior waters fertile, this, we might say, makes an even more higher third type of Mercury to appear, whose crystallization comes to be the world of the mind. Then the planet appears in its mental form: First round.

Second round, when that planet becomes astral matter; third when it becomes ethereal matter; fourth when it becomes physical matter; fifth when it becomes ethereal again; sixth when it becomes astral again; seventh when it becomes mental again. Well, here comes the dissolution of such a planet, and the great pralaya.

What we say for a planet applies to a whole system of worlds: To the solar system, and thus we speak of the great days and the great nights of Brahma. There are seven rounds in total.

Thus, we are now in the fourth round; after this (terrestrial) round is over, life will unfold in the ethereal world: round five; then life will be processed in the astral world: sixth round; and then in the mental world: round seven. Then the dissolution of this planet and of all the planets of the solar system, will come; and then the cosmic night will arrive, that is, the mahapralaya, the profound night...Samael Aun Weor: Well, it is clear, that in the beginning any planet has a first round, when it becomes a simple mental form, right? When it's a mental planet. This mental planet arises in a very extraordinary way: the army of the voice, the army of the word, makes the chaotic waters fertile. In the beginning fertilizes by means of certain rites and sacred words, so that life may arise, right?

From an alchemist point of view, it is very interesting to know how life comes into being, right?: there is the need to "separate the waters from the waters", because the basic or spermatic waters, the alkaest of alchemists, is coexistent with Sat, but in those primival, primogenic and chaotic waters, underlie, let us say, also, the Mercury of the secret philosophy, the metallic soul, let us say, of the chaotic waters...

Well, separating such "waters" by means of transmutation (the same thing that one does within the organism), "separating the superior waters from the inferior waters," this is a task that is performed by means of fruitful and creator work of the holy gods.

Thereafter when the superior waters have already been separated from the inferior waters, then, in turn, these superior waters make the inferior waters fertile, this, we might say, makes an even more higher third type of Mercury to appear, whose crystallization comes to be the world of the mind. Then the planet appears in its mental form: First round.

Second round, when that planet becomes astral matter; third when it becomes ethereal matter; fourth when it becomes physical matter; fifth when it becomes ethereal again; sixth when it becomes astral again; seventh when it becomes mental again. Well, here comes the dissolution of such a planet, and the great pralaya.

What we say for a planet applies to a whole system of worlds: To the solar system, and thus we speak of the great days and the great nights of Brahma. There are seven rounds in total.

Thus, we are now in the fourth round; after this (terrestrial) round is over, life will unfold in the ethereal world: round five; then life will be processed in the astral world: sixth round; and then in the mental world: round seven. Then the dissolution of this planet and of all the planets of the solar system, will come; and then the cosmic night will arrive, that is, the mahapralaya, the profound night...

After the submergence of Atlantis, the human race became even smaller. Today, no one is capable of perceiving the causes of the natural phenomena that occur around us; the human body degenerated, the senses, as I said, have atrophied.

There has not been, then, such "evolution in the human race." What there has in fact been is a gigantic process of devolution. That is the harsh reality of the facts!

We are currently in the fifth root race, the one that populates the face of the earth. We inevitably march towards another cataclysm, because just as the Atlanteans were swallowed up by the waters, so the people of this age, this earth inhabited by the Aryan root race, will be destroyed by fire.

The Perfection of the Human Being on the Tree of Life of Kabbalah
The Polar, Hyperborean, Lemurian, Atlantean, Aryan, and Future Races

Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book,
and to loose the seven seals thereof. - Revelation 5: 5

Almustafa selected the reply #31417 as the answer for this post — 2 months ago
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