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Glorian serves millions of people, but receives donations from only about 300 people a year. Donate now.

  Tuesday, 25 June 2024
  7 Replies
  339 Visits
Hello Glorian!

I wonder when is the next retreat you will organize?

And I don't know where to find information about retreats or group activities.

I feel the need to meet new people who have accepted and practised this same knowledge.

Is there any retreat where I can participate soon?
And where can I find this information on this site?
There is any condition or fee, etc?

Thank you.
1 week ago
I would not expect a retreat in 2024.

I would also advise you to transform those longings inwardly. Use them to practice meditation and dream yoga more seriously.

The real community is internal. It is not in the physical world.

It is sad to see how often people satisfy those longings by joining a "gnostic" groups that is truthfully nothing more than a social club. They stop practicing seriously, and just enjoy talking about the teachings. Ultimately, this stops their progress.

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

1 week ago
Ok understand thank you.

You talk like if it was easy task... I understand your point but a group bring big avantage too. Master SAW create groupes for a reason, actualy build a association in the physical world was a desiderata from the whit lodge... A Gnostic groupe with the second chamber and ritual Gnostic is not just a ''social club''.

Are you part of a groupe? Did Glorian part of a association and have groupes, seconde chamber and rituel??
1 week ago
Yes, the instructors have that. However, there are very few physical groups, and they can only reach very few people in their local area. It is cruel to humanity to insist that they attend a physical group when there are basically none available. Worse, if they go out seeking a group, there is a very high chance they will fall into a corrupt or dangerous one; there are millions of such groups. They are everywhere, and they are eager to mislead the naive. People even move to new countries to join some supposedly "authentic" group, only to get abused and burned spiritually. Afterwards they usually leave gnosis, to never return. We have observed tens of thousands of such cases. It is heartbreaking.

This problem is avoidable.

Samael Aun Weor only occasionally mentioned attending a physical group. While he was publicly active he was overseeing many lumisials, but after he left, many of them fell into politics, diversions, or misunderstandings, and over the decades have become wildly unpredictable. When you approach one today, you really have no idea what you are getting into.

On the other hand, Samael Aun Weor constantly encouraged attending rituals and groups in the astral world. Take a look throughout the books and you will see. This is because the real Gnostic movement is internal, not physical. He said this many times, but people do not listen, and are very lazy.

The bottom line is simple: you can self-realize without a physical group. In many cases, it is safer.

In the superior worlds there is a Gnostic Church, the cathedral of the soul. In this cathedral, rituals are carried out Fridays and Sundays at dawn (or whenever necessary) for the good of humanity. Many devotees gather at the praefor in their astral bodies. There are also some athletes of the Jinn science who take their physical body to the praefor. Thus, all of these devotees have the fortune of receiving the bread and wine.

The Church of our Lord Jesus Christ is not of this world; he himself said it, “My kingdom is not of this world.” In the mountain of the living God, there is a church, invisible to the eyes of the flesh, but visible to the eyes of the soul and the spirit. That is the primeval Gnostic Church, to which Christ and the prophets belong.

That church has its bishops, archbishops, deacons, subdeacons, and priests who officiate at the altar of the living God. The patriarch of that invisible church is Jesus Christ.

Study this:

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

1 week ago
I understand your point and you right, but still. Glorian should at least organized 1 retreat a year. Why you think it's very very hard to prepare a retreat, or to prepare international Congress (for a big and authentic group like AGEAC), or just to keep a good group healty and alive? The answer is obvious, the black lodge! They try hard and fight back this kind of activities because they scare of the result. And the result is light. The result is a lot of good thing.

Glorian look the be well founded and should take the responsablility i think.

Yes you right we the humanity probably lose the Dharma of good and healty Gnostic groupes and should all go in astral reache the truth. But the reality is rare, very rare are the people who have the Dharma and énergie for creating such a thing as the Astral body.

Some struggle a lot. suffer a lot and try hard. they try to work for Master Samaël but withou any good result. They need a little help, a little push.

I understand and you right a big number are not worth or fool by themself in this teaching, even dengerous for others... But Still for the minority who try hard i think it worth the fight.

To me Just say "go in astral'' is kind of heartless, even if i understand why you say such a thing. But Still.
5 days ago
I understand your point and you right, but still. Glorian should at least organized 1 retreat a year.

Glorian follows the instructions we are given internally. We have no such instruction to host a retreat at this time.

But the reality is rare, very rare are the people who have the Dharma and énergie for creating such a thing as the Astral body.

This is totally wrong. Awakening in the astral plane is not difficult. Neither is creating the astral body. The steps to accomplish both are fully explained in the books, and we have observed many thousands who have succeeded. People fail because they are lazy or they do not practice in the right way.

Furthermore, when people are told it is very rare or too hard to create the astral body, they will not try. That condemns them to remain as they are, and be swallowed up by the abyss. Instead of doing the hard work to liberate themselves, they become mere believers, followers, filled with fear and doubt.

If you believe you cannot do it, then you will not. The ego knows this, and uses this scheme to protect itself.

It is our duty to give people the tools to fulfill the work, and the confidence to do it.

Some struggle a lot. suffer a lot and try hard. they try to work for Master Samaël but withou any good result.

Cause and effect are precise. If there is no result, then they are not working in the right way. They need to revise their understanding of the teachings.

To me Just say "go in astral'' is kind of heartless, even if i understand why you say such a thing. But Still.

Samael Aun Weor emphasized this in almost every book. You may not like it, but it is the reality: the real teachings are not in the physical world.

"whosoever does not know how to consciously project himself in the Astral Body, does not know occultism."

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

5 days ago
OK i understand, thank you for your time.
5 days ago
May the light of Christ guide you.

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes.” —Demosthenes

"Do not worry; cultivate the habit of being happy." —Samael Aun Weor

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