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  Saturday, 15 June 2024
  0 Replies
  165 Visits
Dear Instructors,

in the mentioned lecture, the instructor gives a wonderful explanation on "Ishvara", the Being. He then delves into the devotion to our own particular Being, but uses the Lord's prayer as an example of it, particularly the verse:

Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.

This is confusing to me - isn't the Pater Noster approaching the highest form of consciousness - the Absolute? Whereas our Innermost is let's say - a fragment, a spark of its manifested light?

I was under the notion that when I am praying the Pater Noster, I am connecting with the highest aspect of divinity to seek guidance, protection, and spiritual nourishment that maybe goes beyond me as an individual.

Whereas when I am connecting to my Being, through perhaps the "OM" mantra, I am doing so with the means to elevate my personal consciousness.

Does this imply that when a group of ten prays the Pater Noster prayer in unison with a uniform goal, they are in fact approaching ten unique "Fathers"? Maybe through a shift in intention, the prayer may be used to approach either my Being, or the Absolute?

Thank you for clearing up the confusion for me.
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