Welcome to what we are calling our gnostic review for reflection.
Today is the Winter solstice, so happy Winter solstice to everybody. We are going to something a little different today, a mini retreat of sorts. We are going to have a few different instructors doing a few different practices, and so today will be part lecture, part practical.
The first thing I would like to share with you is a quote from Buddha. As we are going to be doing some reflection about our year this year, and letting things go, it is good to remember that the Buddha said:
“Half of life is taken with sleep, ten years are spent in childhood, twenty years are lost in old age and of the remaining twenty years sorrow, pain, agitation eliminate much time and lots of physical illnesses destroy much more.”
So if we put our life in to that perspective, how much time do we have left to do this inner work? Not much. So, how are we using our time?
The purpose of today is to reflect on the reality of this. Are we using our time wisely? Are we doing our work? What are we doing sitting here today? Are we taking advantage of these teachings?
This quote from the Buddha is something that, when I read it, it was a big shock to my system because it is only when we really look at it from that perspective that we realize that we do not have much time. So let’s make the best of what we have.
Today’s schedule is going to look something like this: we are going to have one of our instructors do a short lecture on the Winter solstice and what does that mean and how does that relate to this time of year. Then we are going to go in to a reflection on the past year where we are going to work with our Divine Mother and we are really going to look at our year, at what did we do this year?
How did we work on our egos? What defects did we progress on? What did we get to know more about ourselves? Did we do any work on ourselves? What should we do and what have we gained this past year, have we eliminated any egos and do we need to meditate more on others?
So, we are going to be reflecting on what we have done and what we need to do in the coming year, where and on what we need to focus. Then, we are going to do the practice of Capricorn which another instructor will lead and then we will end on giving thanks for all the work we did today.
If we just take a look at what the Winter solstice is, we know that it is the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. It is when the sun appears in its most southern position and is directly overhead at the tropic of Capricorn and that is why we are also going to be doing a practice related with Capricorn.
The Winter solstice celebrates the longest hours of darkness, or in other words, the rebirth of the sun and it is believed to hold a powerful energy, an energy for regeneration, renewal and self-reflection. Thus, today there are extra forces surrounding us that are going to help us to reflect, that are going to help us go deeper, so we should take advantage of this.
In pagan times the Winter solstice was referred to as Yule and was a celebration of the goddess moon energy, so, again we are going to be working with the Divine Mother, and working with the energies surrounding us to help us reflect and to go deeper, to help us have a goal for our work and to take advantage of that short time that we do have in our life.
First instructor
Good afternoon! Today we are going to talk about the significance of the Winter solstice. As you can see there in the picture, we see a beautiful painting of the god Boreas, the God of the North wind and the bringer of Winter.
Related to that, let me tell you something that came in to my mind in this very moment about Nietzsche. Nietzsche says:
“On the Olive-Mount
Winter, a bad guest God, sits with me at home; blue are my hands with his friendly hand-shaking.
I honor him, that bad guest, but gladly leave him alone. Gladly do I run away from him; and when one runs well, then one escapes him!
With warm feet and warm thoughts do I run where the wind is calm- to the sunny corner of my olive-mount.
There do I laugh at my stern guest God, and am still fond of him; because he clears my house of flies, and quiets many little noises.
For he suffers it not if a gnat wants to buzz, or even two of them; also the lanes makes he lonesome, so that the moonlight is afraid there at night.
A hard guest is he,- but I honor him, and do not worship, like the tenderlings, the pot-bellied fire-idol.
Better even a little teeth-chattering than idol-adoration!- so wills my nature. And especially have I a grudge against all ardent, steaming, steamy fire-idols.
Him whom I love, I love better in winter than in summer; better do I now mock at my enemies, and more heartily, when winter sits in my house.” - Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Of course when you read this and you do not know anything about alchemy and Kabbalah, you might ask, “Why do Nietzsche welcome the God of Winter?” Obviously, this is Boreas. From this name comes the term “aurora borealis,” those beautiful lights that you see in the North that invite us to think about this God of Winter.
Obviously, Boreas is also related with the Hyperboreans which are those people that live beyond that God of Winter.
Of course, when you start studying Kabbalah and alchemy, you understand that it is related to the North; when you teach Kabbalah, you know that when you point to the North, it means that which is above. Whereas, if you where to point “South,” you would point to your feet. The East is the heart, and the West to the liver.
These are the four cardinal points, which are related with the spirit, because in Kabbalah, in Hebrew, the word for spirit is the same word for wind which is Ruach-רוח. When speak the word Ruach-רוח, we remember the book of Genesis that states that in the beginning the Ruach Elohim-רוח אלהים, the Spirit of God hovered upon the face of the waters. This spirit is the wind which in this case we associate with Boreas, the North wind, because the beginning of creation is up there in the Ain Soph-אין סוף, which is beyond Kether-כתר, above the Tree of Life.
Before speaking further about the Tree of Life, let us read this quotation, where we see the beautiful graphic of the aurora borealis, which is that Aur-אור that in Hebrew is light. Obviously, this word Aurora-אורורא is rooted in the Hebrew word Aur-אור.
Indeed, the aurora borealis is precisely the delight of Boreas, the North wind. Today, we are celebrating this God of the North, because it is in the North that we find these beautiful, multi-coloured lights.
When speaking about the Winter solstice, it comes into my mind the symbol of Santa Claus, which has become a very vulgar celebration that everybody knows, but that unfortunately people do not know the meaning, the origin of.
We know that the main colours of Santa Claus are red, white and black. In the Hyperborean festivals, this God of the wind is always depicted as being fat, inflated with air, the wind. This god Boreas symbols the Holy Spirit, because it is in the pineal gland that we have the atom of the Holy Spirit, and as we said before, the head is the North” of our body.
Master Samael Aun Weor states:
"When Christ disembodied in Golgotha (a name which means, “the place of the skull”), he penetrated to the heart of the Earth and took it as a body, and that was the cause of the earthquake of that Good Friday, because the astral body of Christ collided with the astral body of the Earth and the outcome of it was the earthquake. Since that day, Christ is etherealizing and subtilizing the Earth with the electromagnetic rays of the aurora borealis. The Earth is the body of Christ." - High Initiation in Malkuth by Samael Aun Weor
As it is written:
INRI = Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudeorum
In necis Renascor Integer (“In death to be reborn intact and pure”)
And Pilate (the intellectual demon of the mind in “the place of the skull”) wrote a title, and put it on the cross. And the writing was, JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS. This title then read many of the Jews: for the place where Jesus was crucified was nigh to the city: and it was written:
In Hebrew: ישוע מנצרת מלך היהודים
And Greek: Ἰησοῦς Ναζωραῖος ὁ βασιλεὺς τῶν Ἰουδαίων
And Latin: Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudeorum
Then said the chief priests of the Jews to Pilate (the intellectual demon of the mind in “the place of the skull”), Write not, The King of the Jews; but that he said, I am (Eheieh-אהיה) King of the Jews. Pilate (the intellectual demon of the mind in “the place of the skull”) answered, What I have written I have written.” - John 19:19-22
So, since that day, Christ is etherealizing and subtilizing the Earth with the electromagnetic rays of the aurora borealis.
The Earth is the body of Christ. Of course, here we are talking about the master Aberamentho, who is the highest initiate amongst the Christs. Indeed, there are many initiates that reach that degree of Christification, however, the master Aberamentho is an inhabitant of the Ain, the highest level of the Tree of Life.
Here, we have the Tree of Life, and as you can see there, the Sun is on top. That Sun, that light, is what we call the Ain Soph Aur-אין סוף אור and this is precisely the land that is beyond the Boreas, the land of Apollon-Ἀπολλων, Christ.
Remember, in Greek mythology, Apollon-Ἀπολλων is the God of the Sun. Kabbalistically and alchemically speaking we have to state that the Sun, the Ain Soph Aur-אין סוף אור, the Solar Absolute is formed by all of the Suns that you find in the infinite. The Ain Soph Aur-אין סוף אור is precisely what we esoterically call, the land of the Hyperboreans.
In many books, it is stated that the land of the Hyperboreans are those lands around the North pole. If you imagine the North Pole in your body, we see that it is the pineal gland. When you comprehend that you understand that the aura of the aurora borealis is precisely that land that traditions talk about, but that kabbalistically and alchemically understand is the 7th dimension, the land of Apollon-Ἀπολλων, Christ. This is the land where everybody goes when that person performs the Hyperborean mystery, which is of course the self-realisation of the Being.
This Hyperborean mystery is related with that star that shines within our interior, which is the very root of our being, which in Kabbalah is called the Ain Soph-אין סוף.
The Ain Soph-אין סוף is above the Ain Soph Aur-אין סוף אור. All of us have our own particular Ain Soph-אין סוף that shines along with the light of the Solar Absolute and this is the star that is written of in the gospels, the star which the three wise men followed in order to find the birth of the lord. This is precisely exactly what every initiate has to do, to follow that star because, I repeat, each one of us has that particular star, the Ain Soph-אין סוף within.
In order to see that star, the Ain Soph-אין סוף, you have to activate the chakra Sahasrara, the Aleph-אלף chakra, the chakra of one thousand petals. Awakening this Aleph-אלף chakra is not only how you see the 3 dimensional world, but the 4th dimension, the 5th, the 6th, the 7th ; by awakening this Aleph-אלף chakra is how you have experiences when you enter in to the path.
That is why you find here in the very bottom of the four lower sephiroth the images of the four gospels: the gospel of John is the gospel of Netzach-נצח, the mind; the gospel of Mark is the gospel of Hod-הוד, the gospel of fire; the gospel of Matthew is the gospel of Yesod-יסוד, the gospel of the water; and, below we find the gospel of Malkuth-מלכות, the gospel of the earth. which is related with Luke.
If you analyse the name Luke, you find that it is related with the Latin Lux, which means “light.” So, the gospel of Luke is the gospel of the light, the gospel that shows us a regenerated earth, our physicality in other words and that is precisely where the gospel begins, in Malkuth.
Indeed, within our physicality is where you find all of those animals of the stable where the lord will be born. Of course, the lord relates to the sephirah Tiphereth-תפארת which is related with Neshamah-נשמה, the human soul, where we find an image of an incarnated lamb. That lamb is a symbol of Aries, fire. The goal of any initiate is to reach this level, after performing within themselves all of the gospels in the inferior bodies that we have, in order to incarnate that light that is the goal. That light has to be incarnated in us, and this is what we call the incarnation of Apollon-Ἀπολλων, Christ.
So, Apollon-Ἀπολλων, Christ is not a person but the solar energy from the Ain Soph Aur-אין סוף אור that, in order to incarnate, we must be completely prepared for. To be properly prepared in order to incarnate the lord we have to have developed three archetypes, namely:
Benjamin-בנימין inside or a solar astral body (the Ben-Auni-בן־אוני of Hod-הוד, or 30% of consciousness) 5th dimension. As it is written:
"And it came to pass, as her soul was in departing, (for she died) that she called his name Ben-Auni-בן־אוני (son of my sexual potency): but his father called him Benjamin-בנימין (Beni-בני, my son, of my Min-מין-sex)." - Genesis 35:18
Also, we must have Aaron-אהרן inside or a solar mental body (the Ben-Auni-בן־אוני of Netzach-נצח, or 40% of consciousness) 5th dimension.
And moreover, we must have Moshe-משה, Moses inside or a solar causal body (the Ben-Auni-בן־אוני of Tiphereth-תפארת, or 50% of consciousness) 6th dimension.
To reach the 50%, which is height of Moses is the goal. Because right now, as Genesis explain it:
"And (the Vav-ו or spinal medulla of) the earth (our physicality) was formless and void; and (in the Vav-ו or spinal medulla) darkness was upon the face of the abyss (it was the water’s fathomless abyss of Yesod-יסוד). And (in the Vav-ו or spinal medulla) the Spirit of Elohim-ורוח אלהים hovered upon the face (the head) of HaMayim-המים, the waters." - Genesis 1:2
“The waters above (the cerebral-spinal-fluid, Adam) and the waters below (the genital-fluid, Eve) had become blended (in the Aleph-א, thanks to the Vav-ו or spinal medulla of the Ruach Elohim-רוח אלהים) and made fruitful, representing thus the union of male and female principles (in the beginning or Berasheeth-בראשית, that is, Brith-Esh-ברית-אש - covenant of fire), therefore is it true (that in the Aleph-א of El-HaYam-אל-הים, the Sea God, Neptune, and Elah-Yam-אלה-ים, the Sea Goddess, Urania-Venus) that what is above is as what is below."
Its logical reference and connection are (in the fornicators, those who enjoy the orgasm of the beasts) with the words "TohuVebohu-תהו ובהו" (formless and void) in Genesis 1:2 - Zohar
So, after christifying, that is, making light in the physical body and the vital body in accordance to Alchemy and Kabbalah; as the book of Genesis states:
"And (in the Vav-ו or spinal medulla, El-HaYam-אל-הים, the Sea God, Neptune, and Elah-Yam-אלה-ים, the Sea Goddess, Urania-Venus blended in Yesod-יסוד as) Elohim-אלהים said:
"Let there be light: and there was light (the Kundalini in the physical body - the Ben-Auni-בן־אוני of Malkuth-מלכות, or 10% of consciousness) and vital body (the Ben-Auni-בן־אוני of Yesod-יסוד, or 20% of consciousness)." - Genesis 1:3
“There are those who say that the Holy One created worlds (of intellectual animal species or humanoids) and then destroyed them. Why were they destroyed? Because (in the fornicators), as the Scripture says, "the earth was TohuVebohu-תהו ובהו" (formless and void) indicating the state of former worlds (of intellectual animal species or humanoids) before their destruction. But would it not have been better if he had not created them? Most certainly it would, and the explanation involves a great mystery.
If you ask an explanation of what and wherefore, He destroyed them, our reply is this: In the first place the Holy One never has destroyed the work of his hands (Iodim-ידים or the two letters Iod-י of Aleph-א divided by the letter Vav-ו or spinal medulla).
"Iod-Havah-יהוה possessed me, Berasheeth-בראשית, in the beginning of his way, and before he had created anything I was with him" - Proverb 8:22
And by this Berasheeth-בראשית (in the beginning) he created the heavens and the earth, the foundations of which were based on "Berith-ברית" (law or covenant of chastity), the letters of which are contained in Brith-Esh-ברית-אש (covenant of the fire or the kundalini). It is of this "Berith-ברית" (law or covenant of chastity) that scripture speaks:
"Thus saith Iod-Havah-יהוה; If my covenant be not with day and night, and if I have not appointed the ordinances of heaven and earth." - Jeremiah 33:25 - Zohar
"The midnight sun lives in love with the woman; the midnight sun, the logos, loves the woman. She is Urania-Venus (Binah-בינה in Yesod-יסוד), the one who has the book of wisdom (Chokmah-חכמה) in her hands; she is precisely the vestal that is between the two columns in the Egyptian temple; she is the wife of (Binah-בינה in the pineal gland) the Third Logos..." - The Goddess the Eternal Feminine and the spiritual potential of women by Samael Aun Weor
Honour thy Ath-Father-את־אבי and thy Ath-Mother-ואת־אמ (in Daath-דעת), as Iod-Havah-יהוה thy Elohim-אלהים hath commanded thee; that thy (initiatic alchemical) days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the ground (HaAdamah-האדמה, your physicality) which Iod-Havah-יהוה thy Elohim-אלהים giveth thee.
So, when we reach the level of Tiphereth-תפארת, half of the Tree of Life we enter into the level of the human being. It is only by being a true human being, in the kabbalistic and alchemical sense, that you incarnate Apollon-Ἀπολλων, the Christ. When ordinary people say that just by believing in Jesus you will become a Christified one or you will incarnate the Christ is nonsense. It is impossible, because the Lord does not incarnate if you do not have the requisite elements within you.
Unfortunately what is lacking in the gospels is an explanation of everything that is written there, however the gospel of Luke explains the birth of Jesus Christ who actually was a master that existed and that performed that Christification physically, giving his life as the example to show the world the path to incarnate Apollon-Ἀπολλων, Christ.
Jesus is the anglicized version of the Hebrew name Yeshua-יהושע. Yeshua-יהושע means “saviour” and that saviour incarnates only in the human soul in order to perform the Hyperborean mystery, which is to take us as human beings through initiation, through a great deal of development, to the land of Apollo-ἈπολλΩ, the Alpha-Ἀ and the Omega-Ω, the land of the Hyperboreans.
Jesus of Nazareth, physically speaking, gave with his life the example of the entire path. Yet, people do not understand that, they still think that he performed all of that, gave that example to us, only for us to think that all we need is a visa to enter that land without doing any of the required. That is ridiculous.
We have to understand that this master performed what he performed in the holy land with all the twelve apostles who were also masters, all of whom were preparing for this cosmic drama, in order for the whole world to understand the path; it was a gift to humanity.
Even the physical body of Master Jesus was precisely a mixture of Celtics or Hyperboreans, with Jews. The Jewish religion is related with Yesod-יסוד, which is ruled by the Moon, Malkuth which is ruled by the Moon, and with Hod which is also ruled by the moon. The mixture of the Moon and the Sun is precisely the work that all of us have to do; it is marvellously described in the life of master Aberamentho, known as Jesus of Nazareth.
"The word Nazarene comes from nazar, meaning “a man with a straight nose.” Jesus did not have the hooked, Jewish type nose. The great Master had a straight nose. This is typical of the white European race. Jesus was only Jewish on the side of the Hebrew Mary; however, on his father’s side he was of the white Celtic race. His father was a Roman soldier. The priestess wife of the Master Jesus was also of the white race and had great esoteric powers, as she demonstrated when travelling with the Nazarene through the countries of the Mediterranean in the lands of Europe." - The Perfect Matrimony by Samael Aun Weor
So, this mixture of Hyperborean with the lunar forces of the Jews made the body of Jesus. That is why many people in this day and age are upset because we state that Jesus was Celtic on his father’s side, and Jewish from his mother; and he had black hair, black eyes and his skin was a little bit tanned because of the rays of the Sun in the Middle East. Many people want to reject that this is how Jesus looked, but it is.
If you invoke him in the astral plane and you say “show me your physicality” he will show you a face that is not a Jewish face, but that is more Celtic, whilst also being Jewish. This in order to demonstrate, to unite not only from the physical plane but the vital plane, astral plane and all the planes, all of the forces, lunar and solar, in order to invite us in to the Hyperborean lands.
Unfortunately, all of this was lost and people made of Jesus an idol to worship. They never knew the real doctrine and this is precisely what we have to understand when we celebrate Christmas every year. Christmas is not a festivity invented by the Catholic Church, as many people think; this Winter solstice is a festivity of the Hyperboreans, well beyond all the races because it is a festivity related with the Sun.
So, this is precisely the beauty of this mystery.
Now we have here the symbol of the star that we have to follow, in which you find the sacred Tetragrammaton, Iod-Hei-Vav-Hei Elohim-יהוה אלהים, that sacred name of Elohim-אלהים in Atziluth-אצילות, in the sephirah Binah-בינה, which is in the first triangle of the Tree of Life.
When we investigate the Tree of Life we discover the word Elohim-אלהים appears for the first time in the sephirah Binah-בינה, but there is another name that the master Samael Aun Weor addresses many times, and it is the word Aelohim-אאלהים, which literally means, “Ain-אין Elohim-אלהים.” That is why intellectuals who read every verse of Genesis, state that the Gnostics are atheists, because Elohim-אלהים means Gods; Theos in Greek, thus A-theists are those “without God”, or who do not believe in Elohim-אלהים. They ignore that the word Aelohim-אאלהים blends with Bar-בר (Son in Aramaic), and with Brith Esh-ברית-אש, the covenant of fire, in the first verse of Genesis as follows:
ברית-אש בר אאלהים
Brith-Esh Bar-AElohim
Covenant of Fire-ברית-אש with (Christ) the Son of Aelohim-בר אאלהים
The word Elohim-אלהים itself actually means, “Gods and Goddesses.” If Ain-אין-Elohim-אלהים is, “without or nothing of Gods and Goddesses,” does that mean the Gnostics are atheists? No! Atheism is the outcome of the abuse of monotheism; it originates in sceptical people that say God does not exist. Yet, we know that Aelohim-אאלהים dost not exists in the universe but only in the Abstract Absolute Space. When we name Aelohim-אאלהים, we are speaking of an entity that is beyond even the Gods and Goddesses... but, why do we mention or make an emphasis of the letter A, the Aleph of Ain-אין in Hebrew? Well, remember that Christ said in the book of Revelation:
“I am (the Ain Soph Aur-אין סוף אור) Alpha-Άλφα and (in Yesod-יסוד) Omega-Ωμέγα (the Apollo-ἈπολλΩ), the beginning and the ending (of the ray of creation), saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty (El Shaddai-אל שדי).” - Revelation 1:8
What is Alpha-Άλφα? Alpha-Άλφα is Aleph-אלף, the first letter of the word Elohim-אלהים. The letter Aleph-אלף itself is composed of two Iods and a letter Vav. The letter Vav in Kabbalah is 6; the letter Iod in Kabbalah is 10. Thus, with two Iods and a Vav we find: 10 + 10 + 6 = 26. 2 + 6 = 8 the symbol of Ain Soph-אין סוף, the infinite.
So, Ain Soph-אין סוף, the symbol of the infinite is a symbol of what we see there, it is called the Pent-Alpha, which means 5 Alphas or 5 Alephs, with each letter A being a point of the star. That is the symbol of the Divine Mother. That is why when we talk about the Elohim-אלהים, we talk about the Divine Mother, the Schekinah-שכינה.
Without the feminine aspect of divinity, we cannot enter in to the mysteries of the solstice. When you read the gospels you will understand why everything happened in the Winter. When Joseph and Mary leave Egypt they do it in Winter, and there is an esoteric reason for this.
When you study the word Elohim-אלהים which in Hebrew means gods and goddesses it also means El-HaYam-אל-הים, the Sea God, Neptune, who rules the pineal gland; and Elah-Yam-אלה-ים, the Sea Goddess, Urania-Venus, who rules the male/female genitalia or sexual glands. The Zohar states:
“These (Eleh-אלה) are the generations of the heavens and of the earth ('Behibaram-בהבראם') when they were created, in the day that Iod-Havah Elohim-יהוה אלהים made the earth and the heavens.” - Genesis 2:4
"It has been stated that in every passage of Scripture that the word Elah-אלה (better said, Elah-Yam-אלה-ים, the Sea Goddess, Urania-Venus) occurs, there is no connection with what precedes it. This is the ease with the passage just quoted.
"Now from tradition we are informed that the word 'Behibaram-בהבראם' (when they were created) should be read, 'behei baram' (by or through Abraham). It may be objected, how can it be said the heavens and the earth were created by Abraham, who corresponds to the Sephirah Chesed-חסד (mercy, the Ruach Elohim-רוח אלהים) on the Tree of Life, since we know also from tradition that the word ''Behibaram-בהבראם' signifies (rather, by the Hei-ה of Abraham 'Behibaram-בהבראם') that the heavens and the earth were created by the Schekinah (Binah-בינה, the Holy Spirit of Elohim-הרוח קודש אלהים), of which the letter Hei-ה (of Elah-Yam-אלה-ים, the Sea Goddess, Urania-Venus) is the symbol? Our reply is that these two traditions are not really contradictory to each other but refer and amount to the same thing (chastity)." - Zohar
“The Innermost (Chesed-חסד) is the ardent flame of Horeb. In accordance with Moses, the Innermost is the Ruach Elohim-רוח אלהים who sowed the waters in the beginning of the world. He is the Sun King, our Divine Monad, the Alter-Ego of Cicerone.” - The Revolution of Beelzebub by Samael Aun Weor
"The wind (HaRuach-הרוח) bloweth where it has pleasure (in the breath, HaNishimah-הנשימה), and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit (HaRuach-הרוח)." - John 3:8
So, when we read that the Ruach Elohim-רוח אלהים was hovering on the face of the waters what you are reading is this word Elohim-אלהים, the spirit of the wind of Elohim-אלהים was hovering above the face of the waters and they were the ones that were controlling the waters, the Elohim-אלהים.
Now, when you make the addition of the letters of the word Elohim-אלהים, you know that Aleph is 1 and Lamed is 30. 30 + 1 = 31. Hei is 5, now you have 36. Iod is 10, which is 46 and Mem is 40 = 86. When you make the addition you have 14, and that is reduced to 5. So, the word Elohim-אלהים is reduced 5. This shows us the Pent-Alpha.
This is why, when you alter the placement of the letters of the word Elohim-אלהים and form an anagram, you find the word Laimah-לאימה, that means the mother in Hebrew, there is many ways to say it but I wrote this because it coincides with the same letters of Elohim-אלהים.
This word Laimah-לאימה also means the terror because when we talk about the Divine Mother, we discover that she has 5 aspects. First is the unmanifested Divine Mother which is in the Absolute, the Ain Soph-אין סוף that is the first aspect. The second aspect is Mother Nature, which is the feminine forces of nature itself, in every planet that is the second aspect, it is called the manifested mother; the Ain Soph-אין סוף is also called the infinite.
The third aspect is precisely the terror that we have been speaking about. In Hinduism they call it Kali, the goddess of death, Mother Death which we the Gnostics embrace psychologically, because this is the main aspect of this Winter solstice, which as you know is the beginning of Capricorn.
Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. Saturn is death and his wife is Laimah-Elohim-לאימה-אלהים, as she is called in Kabbalah. If you want to experience the Hyperborean mystery, you have to die. The Divine Mother Death has to annihilate you, psychologically speaking.
Everyone dies physically, but simply dying physically is not enough in order to enter into the Hyperborean lands, even if the say if you believe in Jesus. You can say you believe in Jesus one hundred times and you still will not go to the Hyperborean lands, because for that you have to perform the Hyperborean mystery that we are talking about here. Obviously, Laimah-Elohim-לאימה-אלהים, the Divine Mother Death descends into all the sephiroth directly, even unto Klipoth, because the Divine Mother loves this humanity so much that she descends even in to hell in order to annihilate the ego of each one of us, when we do not perform this ourselves through the initiation.
So, there are two ways kabbalistically described in the Book of Revelation:
“And they (the fornicators, those who enjoy the orgasm of the beasts) had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon (אבדון destroyer, אדון Lord, און sexual potency), but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon (Ἀπολλύων, that is, λύων, Lion, Leo, the house of the Sun, Apollon-Ἀπολλων, Christ).” - Revelation 9:11
“Abbadon is the angel of the abyss. He wears a black tunic and a red cap, like those worn by the Drukpas and Bons from oriental Tibet and from the regions of Sikkim and Bhutan, also as worn by the black magicians from the altar of Mathra (pronounced “Mazra” by the Rosicrucian school A.M.O.R.C. from California).” - The Revolution of Beelzebub by Samael Aun Weor
If we follow the Hyperborean mystery, the Divine Mother, Laimah-Elohim-לאימה-אלהים will destroy us through the systematic systems that we teach and that is related with Capricorn, with death. However, if we do not perform that mystery, then she will kill us, destroy us in hell, because the ego has to be annihilated whether we like it or not and that is the mystery.
The fourth aspect of the Divine Mother is within us, because each one of us has his own particular individual mother.
The fifth aspect of the Divine Mother is that instinctual force that all of us have, and that gives us the erotic force in order to perform the sexual act. We have to work with that too. You know that the main work in Gnosis is the work with the sexual energy, with the Divine Mother. But, along with the Father which is here in the pineal gland, the atom of the Holy Spirit, and If you visualise the ten sephiroth, we know that Binah-בינה is ruled by Saturn and it is precisely the law of death. That is why, in order to enter in to the mysteries of Binah-בינה, you have to resurrect; but, in order to resurrect you have to die psychologically first, in order to know the mysteries.
Another sephiroth of the first triangle of the Tree of Life is Chokmah-חכמה, which is ruled by Uranus. Uranus is a sexual force that Binah-בינה takes in order to rule in the initiation. Remember that Binah-Saturn-בינה-שבתאי, with his scythe, cut the testicles of Uranus and in order to rule. This is of course a symbol we have to study alchemically.
Hyperborea and Golgotha, the place of the Skull
Beyond Uranus, you find Kether-כתר, the Father of All the Lights, which rules the crown chakra, the Sahasrara chakra; and, in turn, the chakra Sahasrara is ruled by Neptune. So behold there Saturn, Capricorn, Aquarius, Chokmah-חכמה, Uranus and Pisces, Neptune: those are the mysteries that we have to study in order to go beyond Boreas, to the land of the Hyperboreans in the Ain Soph Aur-אין סוף אור, and we can only do this if we follow the star which is the Divine Mother, with her five aspects. We have to work with those aspects, the feminine aspects of the Divine Mother, who is represented by the letter Aleph-א. Remember, Aleph-א itself is composed of two Iods and a letter Vav. The letter Vav in Kabbalah is 6; the letter Iod in Kabbalah is 10. Thus, with two Iods and a Vav we find: 10 + 10 + 6 = 26. 2 + 6 = 8 the symbol of the infinite.
Second instructor
After that excellent introductory lecture, we are now going to go deeper in our practices working with our Divine Mother. The third aspect of the Divine Mother is the Divine Mother Death. As the instructor was talking about, the Divine Mother Death is part of our intimate inner being; she is part of the cosmic order of everything.
The Divine Mother brings us in to the world of life, nurtures us and carries us in to the next world. The Divine Mother is the fiery force of transformation. She is the electrons that shift matter from one form to another and her love is such that death does not end it.
If you look at this graphic it is a wonderful depiction of the Divine Mother Death and she is the fiery Kundalini serpent. She dissolves all the egoic structures of our psychology after we have achieved comprehension and the repentance for the suffering that the ego has caused. She can dissolve the ego and free the essence.
So, with this aspect we can become free of all that which binds us, all of that which keeps us trapped. Within us we have this beautiful essence but it is trapped within all of these egos. All of those egos that we have: pride, jealousy, lust, envy, laziness.... we are bottled up within all of that. I always like to think of it an this onion that we need to peel the layers off and as we get deeper, deeper and deeper it is within that essence that we find our truth; it is who we really are, it is our light and right now if you cannot see that it is because we are so trapped in such darkness that our eyes are blind to that truth.
So much of our thoughts, of our actions, of our feelings are just egoic. Once we start comprehending what that is, why it is is that we think that way, why we do things that way, why are we acting that way, the more we comprehend and the more we ask our Divine Mother for assistance, the more that we will be free of that and then our true essence, our light will shine.
You might say, “Well, how do I do this?” We are all at different levels here of comprehension, of understanding of what the Divine Mother is within us. Sometimes we think there is this magic word or this magic phrase or a prayer or think “If I do this practice I will do it or if I say these words...” but really, to pray is to just talk with God; there are no magic words.
Yes, we have mantras; yes, we have prayers, but if you just speak sincerely from your heart and appeal to God with longing, with humility, truly imbuing your words with the attitude of “Please help me, I really want to disintegrate this “I” your inner divinity, your Divine Mother will help you.
If you think about your day, just today, which “I’s” were working through you? Maybe you were trying to get here to lecture and somebody was walking in front of you really slowly, and you are trying to get the train and you see your impatience coming and you start getting angry... there you go, right there! That is your ego. That is your defect and you need to start looking at that.
You might say: “No, no. I do not have many defects or egos.” Well, just take a look at an hour of your day and you will see so many egos are popping up in your thoughts, in your emotions, in your actions.
If we ask our Mother for help, if we love our Mother.... indeed, we need to love that aspect of the Divine Mother. We realise that she is within us and we ask her; it does not require any special words, you can just say, “Please help me.”
She is within us, she is herself a part of our own being.
There are many names for the Divine Mother, as we have spoken about before, in many lectures. She is known as Isis or Mary, Rhea, Diana, Cybele, Tonantzin... but really, she is just your mother. She is the divinity within you that can help you.
As we go through this just know that she is with us, she is working in us, and she is there to help us understand our inner psychology. It is only when we have died radically, It is only when all of those elements have been eliminated that we can be free of all that ego, of all of those psychological aggregates that keep us trapped in suffering and bound to this Earth.
We need to learn how to implore to our Divine Mother in those moments of weakness, in those moments of anger and jealousy, in order to take those experiences afterwards and comprehend them.
Any of those “I’s” that have been previously observed and judged can be reduced to cosmic dust by means of the fiery powers of our own individual particular divine mother.”
The important point here is that only that which we have previously been comprehended can our Divine Mother help us with. We cannot just say: “Divine Mother, disintegrate this ego of impatience” if we have not comprehended why we were impatient. You cannot just ask her for help if you do not understand why. So, we have to comprehend those parts of ourselves and then ask for the annihilation.
“A specific formula in order to pray to our divine mother is not necessary. We must be very natural and simple when we address her. A child who addresses his or her mother never has a special formula. The child utters what comes from his or her heart and that is all.” So just speak from your heart and ask for help within. “No “I” is instantaneously dissolved. Our divine mother most work and suffer very much before achieving the annihilation of any “I”.”
So as we think contemplate this, let us take this into our meditation practice today with the question: what exactly have we worked on this year? What have we actually achieved psychologically? What have we annihilated, what have we asked for, what have we observed?
The first step of this work is even knowing that this work exists. We cannot do anything if we are not even aware of it. So just becoming aware of what moves you: what type of person are you? What egos come up the most for you? What defects do you deal with? Some people have very strong anger issues, or jealousy, or other people may be very lustful; all of us have all of these defects, but some drive us more than others.
Are you aware of what drives you, are you aware of what moves you? What about your thoughts? This is something that comes slowly, you are not just going to figure it out overnight; this comes slowly.
We need to look within, direct our prayer within and ask for divine help with sincere supplication. We need to beg our Divine Mother to disintegrate that which we have previously observed and judged. It takes practice; that observation develops slowly. The more you practice it, the more you become aware of it.
It is strange because we are so used to looking outward, thus it is very easy for us to think, to say “You make me angry, you made me get impatient, you made me...” It is very easy to point that finger at someone else, but what I always say is that no one actually makes you angry, it is how you react to that person.
If I do not have anger in me, how are you going to make me angry? You could not. So, instead of looking externally and blaming the world—we all have great complaints about the world and everybody around us and in it—ask yourself, what is your responsibility in that situation?
Observing that within us, it gets easier. At first it is very difficult, but it does get better.
“The mind can give on to itself the luxury of labelling any defect, passing it from one department to another, exhibiting it, hiding it, however the mind can never fundamentally alter a defect.”
You can sit here and just contemplate it intellectually, you could sit here and talk about anger for hours and days or months, but if you do not work with your Divine Mother, if you do not work towards the comprehension and annihilation of it, it is not going to work, it is just going to be a mere thought; it is will remain a mere spectre in your mind. That is why that third aspect of the Divine Nother is so necessary for this work.
“A special power superior to the mind is necessary. A fiery power that is capable of reducing any defect to ash. Stella Marias our divine mother has that power and she is able to pulverise any psychological defect.”
All of this came from the Treatise of Revolutionary Psychology by Master Samael Aun Weor.
What we are going now is to invite you, as we set aside some time for our meditation, to reflect upon your past year. It is nice to see some old friends here that we have not seen in a while, so it is time for us to get together and to reflect. It is been a while since we have seen each other. Time goes quickly, time goes very fast so we need to take advantage of the time that we have to do this work, or else mother nature will disintegrate us... without any help on our part.
So, we have a choice: what do we want to do? Do we want to just remain a mechanical part of nature, or do we want to reach those heights that are in front of us but take a lot of work?
In a few minutes we are going to get in a comfortable position and in our meditation we are going to reflect on this past year. The end of the year is a good time to look back and to think about what you have done and what needs to be done.
As we do this, really think about what defects or egos have you been working on, or that which you have not been working, but which have been coming up for you.
As you reflect, and if it seems overwhelming just start with today. When I do reflections in the evening, I look at where was I most emotionally charged or where did I really get altered, where did I have a hard time today and then as I reflect on that situation I see which egos came up. I see what defects come up: “Oh wow, I was really triggered in my fear, in my anger or my jealousy or my laziness.” Then, I start to really look at that and then I pray to my Divine Mother: “Help me to see what is behind this.”
If you have been working psychologically, which aggregates have you eliminated? Which ones have you seen? Which have gotten perhaps less fat? Which have gotten a little bit less strong within your psychology, within your emotional states? Which one do you need to be focusing on more? Maybe you are finding that there is one ego, one defect that is really controlling your life strongly, and is hurting you or those around you a lot. What is that part that needs to be reflected on?
If you are at a loss at this point, when you are sitting there and mediating, thinking to yourself, “Ah I do not even know where to start,” just pray. Pray and ask: “Divine Mother, please help me to see what I need to focus on, what is it inside of me that is a big obstacle right now?” Ask for some guidance on that.
So, what we am going to do is to invite you all to get in to a comfortable position. If the chairs are not comfortable, there are pillows in the back that you can prop up against the walls. If you are listening to this at home, get yourself in to a comfortable position as well. The goal is not to fall asleep, so do not be so comfortable that you fall totally asleep and lose consciousness of what we are doing.
We are going to do this for about 25 minutes. So, throughout this time just remember: you are praying to your Divine Mother with sincere words from you heart. If you prefer to pray a certain prayer, like the Hail Mary, or any prayer that really resonates with your heart, that is fine, but all you really need to do is to pray to your Divine mother, asking her to guide you in this work.
If you have not meditated, or if you are not used to meditating, the first step is to put your body in to a comfortable position where it is not going to become an obstacle for you doing this work. So, just try to find a spot where your legs, your arms are relaxed; where you are not feeling too much pain in the position you are in.
You can lay down if you feel more comfortable that way, but just take a look at your body, at how it feels; make adjustments until you feel you are in a comfortable space.
You are going to close your eyes, adjust yourself if you need to, just get yourself in a comfortable position and you can put your hands on your heart or you can imagine that and just take a few deep breaths.
Use the breath to help you relax. Feel that air, feel those North winds entering your body on this very special day of the Winter solstice. That energy is stronger for reflection, for inner work. In the northern hemisphere it is the shortest day of the year, the day with the least amount of light and it is in the darkness where we can do a lot of this inner work, this work on our psychology and dying within ourselves.
Use that breath to relax any parts that are feeling stressful. If there is any muscle that is giving you pain right now, if there is a joint that’s bothering you, use that breath to breathe in to it. Pray to your Divine Mother from your heart, asking her to guide you in this work today, asking her to help you to see what it is that you need to be working on.
What have you accomplished this year? What aspects of yourself that you are meditating on, that you are reflecting on have you comprehended? What do you feel freer from? Ask your Divine Mother to show you if you are not sure what to work on what it is that you need to be meditating or reflecting on.
If you get lost in your thoughts, just come back to your breath and focus on that and pray again: “Divine Mother, help me to see what it is that I need to work on? What have I done this year? What have I comprehended? What do I need to work on? What is hurting my progress?”
If you find something you want to work on, focus on that, meditate on it, reflect on it, ask for assistance and if you feel like you had comprehension of that defect ask her to help annihilate that.
So, we invite you now to go in to your meditation, find out what it is that you need to work on and to pray to divinity for guidance.
…. {Meditation Practice} ….
As we come close to the end of our reflection, let us pray to our Divine Mother and ask her what intention, what work should we focus on doing in the New Year? Create an intention for yourself.
Thank your Divine Mother, your Innermost Being for this meditation, this reflection. You can continue this at home. Continue doing this work; take advantage of the time you have because it is short. Thank your inner mother from the bottom of your heart for all of the guidance all the help she gives you and has given you.
Slowly opening your eyes, starting to stretch. Coming back, getting ready for our next practice. So as you are ready, slowly moving your body stretch your limbs, your arms… Sit up, if you are laying down, open your eyes and be ready for the next part of our day: the exercise of Capricorn.
For the final segment of the day today, we are going to perform the exercise of Capricorn.
The basic or core aspect of the following exercise is to imagine a coffin in front of us because Capricorn, as the other lecturer stated, is related with Saturn or Kronos, with death and also birth. If we relate this to our physical body Capricorn is related with our knees and the fluid in our knees and the entire skeletal system.
The core of this practice is to walk as if a coffin is between our knees, as if we are almost straddling the coffin and we with bent knees walk to clear an obstacle or rotating the knees from left to right. This is done with the intention that the knees become charged with the lead of Saturn.
Masonic masters would be able to understand this exercise of Saturn very well because they are the same steps the master mason takes when entering the lodge. So, when we walk, we have our knees bent and if we start with the right we lift up and you want to exaggerate the movement of your knee up to the middle and forward to the right. Then, the left knee we move up and back over to the left and you have your knees bent this whole time.
Obviously, if you are walking like this, it is very difficult. You will do a few steps and your knees will begin to feel warm because it is very difficult on the knees. We are charging those knees through the earth rising up in to our knees with the so called lead of Saturn. Remember also that Capricorn is an earth sign.
So, we are going to incorporate that practice in to a meditation.
We are going to begin in a seated posture again, and we are going to do a little vocalisation whilst imagining the coffin, and when we feel it is appropriate for us, when we have reached a place of tranquillity and solemnity in our heart, we will stand up each according to their own pace and take four or five steps and stand up out of your meditation posture,open your eyes and do those four or five steps. Then, we will turn around and take those steps back to our meditation posture.
To begin, let us perform three simple Ham-Sah pranayamas.
Begin to visualise a coffin in front of you with your eyes closed. Next to the coffin is the angel of death with his instrument, the scythe, and in his other hand a small child, a beautiful baby looking straight at you. We state together, repeat after me:
“The path of life is paved with the hoof prints of the horse of death.”
Let the visualisation become more profound. When you sense it is the right time, open your eyes and perform the practice like we described, taking four or five steps and then returning back to our meditation. Imagine the synovial fluids in your knees glowing, energised with the force of Saturn seeping in to all of your bones. Energising and healing all of your skeleton like a hot oil penetrating all of the bones in your body. We will vocalise the mantra IAO three times. It is a mantra of Binah-בינה, Jehovah.
At the conclusion of this practice, let us give thanks to our inner divinity for this opportunity to gather today to do this work together; for the comprehension gained, for the forces moved throughout our bodies, our minds and spirits.
Let us take advantage of this energy of the Winter solstice and work deeper within ourselves for time is short and the angel of death is waiting for each of us and we do not know when our time is coming. So, take advantage of this precious gift of this body and of this life and work with your inner divinity. We give thanks.