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  Friday, 13 September 2024
  1 Replies
  132 Visits

So I see a lot of lectures and talks in this Gnosis about varient Gods. But as a Muslim I believe in only one God. And it is abandoned in Islam to worship different gods mostly known as false gods. I know many of this so called "Gods" may be only creatures from higher source but I'm not feeling thats alright to ask them for help when I can pray to my God. Does that come from my ignorance? I would like to know instructors opinions as I know we have Muslim instructors here.

Thanks a lot
5 days ago
The Revolution of the Dialectic

Monotheism always leads to anthropomorphism (idolatry), which by reaction originates materialistic atheism. This is why we prefer polytheism.

We are not afraid to talk about the intelligent principles of the mechanical phenomena of nature, even if people classify us as pagans.

We are partisans of a modern polytheism founded on Psychotronics.

In final synthesis, monotheistic doctrines lead to idolatry. It is preferable to talk about intelligent principles, which never leads to materialism.

In turn, the abuse of polytheism, by reaction, leads to monotheism.

Modern monotheism emerged from the abuse of polytheism.

In this era of Aquarius, in this new phase of the revolution of the dialectic, polytheism must be psychologically and transcendentally sketched out. Besides, it must be put forward intelligently; we must set forth wisely with a vital and integral monistic polytheism.

Monistic polytheism is the synthesis of polytheism and monotheism. Diversity is unity.

In the revolution of the dialectic, the terms good and evil, evolution and devolution, God or religion are not used.

In these decrepit and degenerate times, a revolution of the dialectic, a self-dialectic, and a new education are necessary.

In the age of the revolution of the dialectic, the art of reasoning must be handled directly by our Inner Being in order for it to be methodical and just. An art of Objective Reasoning will provide a pedagogical and integral change.

All the actions of our life must be the outcome of an equation and an exact formula in order for the possibilities of the mind and the functionalism of understanding to surge forth.

The revolution of the dialectic has the precise clue in order to create an emancipated and unitotal mind; this is the clue to form minds free of conditioning, free of conceptual options.

The revolution of the dialectic does not have dictatorial norms for the mind.

The revolution of the dialectic does not seek to abuse intellectual liberty.

The revolution of the dialectic wants to teach how one should think.

The revolution of the dialectic does not want to cage or imprison thought.

The revolution of the dialectic wants the integration of all the values of the human being.

Diversity is unity. God is one and many; every soul in the infinitude of creation is a spark, flame, or roaring bonfire of the divine; all of creation is nothing other than an emanation of God. There are many Gods, but there is only one that you should worship and follow: your own, inner Spirit, your Innermost Being.

"36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

38 This is the first and great commandment.

39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."
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