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  Friday, 12 July 2024
  3 Replies
  393 Visits
Is there an esoteric cure for uncomfortable stomach gas that occurs throughout the day?

Also, what chakra is the stomach related to? Thank you.
1 month ago
Accepted Answer
The cure might be not esoteric at all, because gas often comes from things we eat, which are not digestible for us individually. So find out which food is not compatible with you. As a general information, you might find this lecture and the part about James the Elder interesting:

The closest chakra to the stomach is the Manipura chakra:
1 month ago
Accepted Answer
The cure might be not esoteric at all, because gas often comes from things we eat, which are not digestible for us individually. So find out which food is not compatible with you. As a general information, you might find this lecture and the part about James the Elder interesting:

The closest chakra to the stomach is the Manipura chakra:
1 month ago
Thanks a ton. My diet is 80% rice, and I think that's the problem. I'm going to change that and eat more varieties of food starting today.
1 month ago
Unfortunately rice these days can be heavily contaminated with chemicals. The important thing is to find out exactly what is disturbing your stomach, be scientific, don't make guesses.
Almustafa selected the reply #31435 as the answer for this post — 1 month ago
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