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  Friday, 21 June 2024
  1 Replies
  194 Visits
Specifically as presented in the collections of lectures known as The Fifth Gospel and From Jesus to Christ. Is everything he describes about the life of Aberamentho (particularly such claims as "that in Palestine, at the time which concerns us, not one but two Jesus-children were born, one of them from the Solomon line of the House of David…another…from the Nathan line of the House of David") known to be historical fact exactly as he witnessed it? Are Steiner's claims consonant with assertions like "Jesus formed the Christ within himself by practicing Sexual Magic with his wife"? Can one's perceptions of the Akashic records be influenced by one's expectations in such a way that readings may not be reliable? More broadly, how exactly do the records work? I find the claim "All the events of the Earth and its races, the life of Jesus etc., are depicted as an eternal and living film within the Akasha"; is there any unified repository anywhere of readings performed for significant occurrences in this planet's history?
3 days ago
Much has been stated about the hierophant Jesus, however, the fact is that nobody knows his personal biography.
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