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  Sunday, 09 June 2024
  3 Replies
  324 Visits
I was wondering about how Jahve is capable of moving around in the Astral yet it is also stated that he is crucified in the Ninth Sphere upside down, also isn’t Judas crucified in the same manner? Yet Judas is a Master of the White Lodge?

Is it possible that there’s more to the story than meets the eyes and ears?
4 weeks ago
Accepted Answer
Regarding Judas:

Samael Aun Weor: What is certain is that Judas Iscariot, above all, is not what people pretend, namely that he is a traitor. That is completely false.

He learned his role, and he learned it from Jesus. Jesus taught Judas his role, as well as the roles of Peter, John, and James: all of them had their roles, and Judas had his role too, a role that Judas had to represent in practical life, in the cosmic drama of initiation.

Judas did not want to perform that role. Peter offered to perform that act, the role of Judas, but Jesus did not accept Peter’s offer to perform the role of Judas. Jesus had already chosen each one for their respective roles.

Judas represents the dissolution of the ego, the “I”, the myself, the self. The gospel of Judas is the death of “myself.” And behold how great is his role: without Judas there can be no cosmic drama!

Therefore, Judas has his gospel, the gospel of the dissolution of the ego. Thus, without Judas there can be no cosmic drama, no! How could the cosmic drama be developed if there is no Judas? It was necessary for the cosmic drama to be developed, so it was necessary for someone to initiate that drama, and that is Judas.

This is why in the Middle Ages there was a Gnostic group called the group of the “Iscariots.” That group was dedicated to study the esotericism of the gospel of Judas... The Iscariots...

Therefore, justice has not been done to Judas, because people interpreted the gospels to the dead letter, literally...

Judas is the most exalted among the twelve. Judas is the most exalted apostle, the one who is most “dead,” the highest of all of them (after Jesus is Judas), to such an extent that it is said that the day the Great Kabir, Jeshua Ben Pandira, Jesus the Christ, enters into Ain, the unmanifested Absolute, Judas will enter with him. Judas is sufficiently prepared in order to enter into Ain, the Absolute.

And this cannot be understood by the secular people, because they interpret the gospels to the dead letter, unfortunately…

Questions About the Great Work


So, the master Judas has a gospel: the dissolution of the ego. He renounced all happiness and currently lives in the infernal worlds, working for the lost, for those who have no remedy.

So, he is the only one who has not received honors, who has been hated, insulted, and yet loves humanity, since he sacrificed himself for humanity, and gave even his very life and happiness for humanity. There is, after Jesus, the greatest man called Judas Iscariot.

He is the most despised and is the most hated of all, and no one has understood his sacrifice, because even for Jesus of Nazareth there are tears, appreciation, gratitude, but for the one who gave his life for all humanity and who taught us the way of the dissolution of the ego, there has not been a word of praise; there has been nothing but insults from the time he fulfilled his drama till the age in which we live.

The Approaching Catastrophe, Extraterrestrials, Resurrection, Alchemy
4 weeks ago
Accepted Answer
Regarding Judas:

Samael Aun Weor: What is certain is that Judas Iscariot, above all, is not what people pretend, namely that he is a traitor. That is completely false.

He learned his role, and he learned it from Jesus. Jesus taught Judas his role, as well as the roles of Peter, John, and James: all of them had their roles, and Judas had his role too, a role that Judas had to represent in practical life, in the cosmic drama of initiation.

Judas did not want to perform that role. Peter offered to perform that act, the role of Judas, but Jesus did not accept Peter’s offer to perform the role of Judas. Jesus had already chosen each one for their respective roles.

Judas represents the dissolution of the ego, the “I”, the myself, the self. The gospel of Judas is the death of “myself.” And behold how great is his role: without Judas there can be no cosmic drama!

Therefore, Judas has his gospel, the gospel of the dissolution of the ego. Thus, without Judas there can be no cosmic drama, no! How could the cosmic drama be developed if there is no Judas? It was necessary for the cosmic drama to be developed, so it was necessary for someone to initiate that drama, and that is Judas.

This is why in the Middle Ages there was a Gnostic group called the group of the “Iscariots.” That group was dedicated to study the esotericism of the gospel of Judas... The Iscariots...

Therefore, justice has not been done to Judas, because people interpreted the gospels to the dead letter, literally...

Judas is the most exalted among the twelve. Judas is the most exalted apostle, the one who is most “dead,” the highest of all of them (after Jesus is Judas), to such an extent that it is said that the day the Great Kabir, Jeshua Ben Pandira, Jesus the Christ, enters into Ain, the unmanifested Absolute, Judas will enter with him. Judas is sufficiently prepared in order to enter into Ain, the Absolute.

And this cannot be understood by the secular people, because they interpret the gospels to the dead letter, unfortunately…

Questions About the Great Work


So, the master Judas has a gospel: the dissolution of the ego. He renounced all happiness and currently lives in the infernal worlds, working for the lost, for those who have no remedy.

So, he is the only one who has not received honors, who has been hated, insulted, and yet loves humanity, since he sacrificed himself for humanity, and gave even his very life and happiness for humanity. There is, after Jesus, the greatest man called Judas Iscariot.

He is the most despised and is the most hated of all, and no one has understood his sacrifice, because even for Jesus of Nazareth there are tears, appreciation, gratitude, but for the one who gave his life for all humanity and who taught us the way of the dissolution of the ego, there has not been a word of praise; there has been nothing but insults from the time he fulfilled his drama till the age in which we live.

The Approaching Catastrophe, Extraterrestrials, Resurrection, Alchemy
3 weeks ago
See also:

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

3 weeks ago
Thank you.
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