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  Monday, 03 June 2024
  3 Replies
  355 Visits
Dear Instructor,

I’ve been listening to the testimonies of Christian exorcists, ex witches who were decieved by “good spirit guides”and even to ex high ranking black magicians of the satanic church. Some of these men and women were very much literally possesed by the most evil creatures of the lowest Hells, communicating with them constantly and bound to their evil will.

As someone who came from an atheist background, what struck me the most about these testimonies was not the existence of the supernatural good and evil, but the absolute authority of Jesus Christ over evil that all of these people so resolutely testified to. Furthermore, people from the evil background reported that Christians and Jesus were the true enemies that their masters hated and focused on solely (even though they had trouble influencing them due to “circles of flames guarding their astral bodies”). Specifically they mentioned not minding the other traditions such as those of Hindus, Buddhis, or others.

Obviously in Gnosis we recognize different approaches to enlightenment and towards the development of human souls and take all the useful knowledge and wisdom from all of them.

According to these testimonies however, there seems to be a much greater gap between Master Jesus and the other prophets. And while we do recognize Master Jesus as the one who inhabited the Christic will the most, I must say I didn’t grasp that the significance of the Christ element could be so vast that the demons disregard the other denominations completely and that it’s only him that has full authority over them. Also, I understood the incarnation of Christ to be a gradual process, implying that other masters must have inhabited various levels of Christic energy as well.

Todays Christianity takes this power Jesus has as a proof their religion is the true and only path to God and will even go as far to say that other esoteric practices only end up opening us to demonic influence, modern Gnosticism included.

According to what I have learned through Gnosis they seem to be missing something here, though I am unsure what.

So through this voluminous context I’d like to ask, what is it that makes Jesus and those who believe in him so powerful over and resillient to evil?

Thank you very much for your patience and good will. :)
Accepted Answer
Hello ValuableObjectiv,

Thank you for sharing your experience and question.

We must remember that Christ is not limited to the Christian religion or Master Jesus. Christ is a single force expressed at different times through different incarnations.

There is only one cosmic religion. Periodically, it is brought to us to help us out of the darkness; that is how each religion began. Since all religions are manifestations of the one root religion, Christ is the basis of every religion. Each religion has their own symbols and names for Christ.

• In Hinduism, Christ is symbolized as Vishnu, who sends his Avatars (incarnations, bodhisattvas) to the world to establish dharma. Krishna, Babaji, Rama, Sri Shankaracharya, and many others incarnated Christ.
• In Buddhism, Christ is Avalokitesvara, Chenresig, 觀世音 Guānshìyīn ("who perceives the world's lamentations"), the power of compassion and sacrifice for others, which manifests as Tara, and is harnessed within us by means of bodhichitta.
• Among the Persians, Christ is Ormuz, Ahura Mazda, the terrible enemy of Ahriman (Satan), which we carry within us.
• Among the Egyptians, Christ is Osiris and whosoever incarnated him was Osirified.
• Among the Chinese, the Cosmic Christ is Fu Xi (伏羲), who composed the I-Ching (The Book of Laws).
• Among the Greeks, Christ is symbolized in many ways: Zeus (Jupiter, the Father of the Gods), Apollo, Heracles, etc.
• Among the Aztecs, Christ is Quetzalcoatl.
• In the Germanic Edda, Baldur is the Christ who was assassinated by Hodur, God of War, with an arrow made from a twig of mistletoe, etc.

In the Gnostic tradition, we understand that there are both white and black magicians linked to all traditions. Whether one becomes Christified or not depends on how one uses certain powers.

Based on your post, it appears that the individuals you spoke with were speaking from a perspective of the Christian tradition. If so, consider research on black magicians in other cultures and traditions listed above to see if you arrive at the same conclusion. Then contemplate comprehending that the power of Christ is universal. It is when we percieve that Christ is exclusive to one tradition that gives the illusion of differences.

Those who think that Christ is only a reference to a sacred individual called Yeshua Ben Pander, who was known 1,976 years ago, and who taught the doctrine of the Gnostics, indeed, have not really understood in depth the Christic mystery. Christ is the Perfect Multiple Unity, this is obvious.”
Accepted Answer
Hello ValuableObjectiv,

Thank you for sharing your experience and question.

We must remember that Christ is not limited to the Christian religion or Master Jesus. Christ is a single force expressed at different times through different incarnations.

There is only one cosmic religion. Periodically, it is brought to us to help us out of the darkness; that is how each religion began. Since all religions are manifestations of the one root religion, Christ is the basis of every religion. Each religion has their own symbols and names for Christ.

• In Hinduism, Christ is symbolized as Vishnu, who sends his Avatars (incarnations, bodhisattvas) to the world to establish dharma. Krishna, Babaji, Rama, Sri Shankaracharya, and many others incarnated Christ.
• In Buddhism, Christ is Avalokitesvara, Chenresig, 觀世音 Guānshìyīn ("who perceives the world's lamentations"), the power of compassion and sacrifice for others, which manifests as Tara, and is harnessed within us by means of bodhichitta.
• Among the Persians, Christ is Ormuz, Ahura Mazda, the terrible enemy of Ahriman (Satan), which we carry within us.
• Among the Egyptians, Christ is Osiris and whosoever incarnated him was Osirified.
• Among the Chinese, the Cosmic Christ is Fu Xi (伏羲), who composed the I-Ching (The Book of Laws).
• Among the Greeks, Christ is symbolized in many ways: Zeus (Jupiter, the Father of the Gods), Apollo, Heracles, etc.
• Among the Aztecs, Christ is Quetzalcoatl.
• In the Germanic Edda, Baldur is the Christ who was assassinated by Hodur, God of War, with an arrow made from a twig of mistletoe, etc.

In the Gnostic tradition, we understand that there are both white and black magicians linked to all traditions. Whether one becomes Christified or not depends on how one uses certain powers.

Based on your post, it appears that the individuals you spoke with were speaking from a perspective of the Christian tradition. If so, consider research on black magicians in other cultures and traditions listed above to see if you arrive at the same conclusion. Then contemplate comprehending that the power of Christ is universal. It is when we percieve that Christ is exclusive to one tradition that gives the illusion of differences.

Those who think that Christ is only a reference to a sacred individual called Yeshua Ben Pander, who was known 1,976 years ago, and who taught the doctrine of the Gnostics, indeed, have not really understood in depth the Christic mystery. Christ is the Perfect Multiple Unity, this is obvious.”
Almustafa selected the reply #31208 as the answer for this post — 3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
Thank you for such a comprehensive response, Quaerens Veritatis.

I was reffering to testimonies of all these various people that are available online.

As to your response, I have since studied the subject more and while there is still confusion, the esoteric mechanics of how the "spiritual warfare" operates and how the subject of "Christ" relates to it is quite a bit more clear to me.
3 weeks ago
My apologies if this reply does not belong here, however i would like to know if humanities on other planets go through the same kind of multiple religions, in different form as we do here?
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