By Emmanuel on Tuesday, 17 September 2024
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The master states that intense daily Transmutation and daily vocalization, will put into activities the glands responsible for awakening, so does this mean that they're should be no effort of being alert during the drowsy state, or does one still need to be alert, since this state is the door to Superior worlds and higher states of consciousness? Will activating the glands in itself be enough and will automatically take us to new heights or does one still have to be alert during the transition of wake and sleep?
Hello Emmanuel,

We must have some level of alertness while doing the practice. There are many tools to achieve the process of awakening to where we can distinguish between our physical body at rest and the distinction the non-physical part of our being. We must be alert and awakened to properly explore the Superior Worlds. The more we practice, the more we are able to consciously, and with control, move between worlds.

Whosoever awakens the consciousness can no longer dream here in this physical plane or the Internal Worlds. Whosoever awakens the consciousness stops dreaming. Whosoever awakens the consciousness becomes a competent investigator of the Superior Worlds.

I also provide a link to another instructor's response to a similar questiion that may provide more insight:
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