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  Wednesday, 31 July 2024
  1 Replies
  277 Visits
So the way we perceive Malkuth, the physical dimension, is that an extra layer of illusion overlayed on top of the illusion of the dimensions themselves?

And we all contribute in sustaining this gigantic hallucination through the influence of the black lodge in each of us individually and also as a whole?
1 month ago
Accepted Answer
It doesn't matter which dimension we look at. As long as we have our consciousness asleep, we dream, instead of perceiving the truth directly. This is because we have three minds but mostly only perceive with our Sensual Mind. We need to use our Inner Mind.

Until we awaken consciousness, we keep the karmic cycles of our illusions and hallucinations active.
1 month ago
Accepted Answer
It doesn't matter which dimension we look at. As long as we have our consciousness asleep, we dream, instead of perceiving the truth directly. This is because we have three minds but mostly only perceive with our Sensual Mind. We need to use our Inner Mind.

Until we awaken consciousness, we keep the karmic cycles of our illusions and hallucinations active.
Almustafa selected the reply #31557 as the answer for this post — 1 month ago
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