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  Monday, 29 July 2024
  2 Replies
  341 Visits
Thank you to the instructors for answering our inquiries and for working for the expansion of consciousness. What can be said about those who possess a crystal or other mineral and seem to intuitively connect with that species of elemental for instance knowing when their crystals need sun etc? The master Samael affirms that minerals contain elementals evolving within them. He states that perfumes with mineral substences are black magic but what about just taking care of a mineral elemental? I've heard of cases in real life of family members who went on vacation etc leaving a plant in the care of others and the plant becomes depressed despite good care by by the other person until the owner returns. Do mineral elementals also connect with those who take care of them? Can we actually enlist the elemental help of minerals as we can with plants, and when caring for a mineral substence how do we best maintain the health and well-being of those elementals as would with plants? Thank you.
1 month ago
Accepted Answer
We typically do not work with the elementals of minerals because they are less evolved than the elementals of the plant kingdom. However, sacred talismans or pentagrams can be fashioned with the seven planetary metals to invoke Christic force.

One can better guide the elementals of the mineral kingdom by eliminating our own base psychological metals: pride, anger, envy, but especially gluttony and lust.

Seven metal pendants vibrate intensely with the Conjurations of the Four, the Seven, and the Invocation of Solomon. These in turn protect the aspirant’s psychological atmosphere and benefit the mineral elementals who are becoming vehicles of Christ.

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

1 month ago
Accepted Answer
We typically do not work with the elementals of minerals because they are less evolved than the elementals of the plant kingdom. However, sacred talismans or pentagrams can be fashioned with the seven planetary metals to invoke Christic force.

One can better guide the elementals of the mineral kingdom by eliminating our own base psychological metals: pride, anger, envy, but especially gluttony and lust.

Seven metal pendants vibrate intensely with the Conjurations of the Four, the Seven, and the Invocation of Solomon. These in turn protect the aspirant’s psychological atmosphere and benefit the mineral elementals who are becoming vehicles of Christ.

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

1 month ago
Thank you Almustafa for your insight.
Almustafa selected the reply #31525 as the answer for this post — 1 month ago
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